

    Somerset Squash & Racketball Association AGM

    The Annual General Meeting of Somerset Squash & Racketball Association will be held at Wyvern Club, Mountfields Road, Taunton, Somerset TA1 3BJ on Wednesday 29th June 2011 at 7.30pm.

    You players welcome to attend and there will be a small buffet provided afterwards.

    At the AGM the Management Committee will propose the adoption of a constitution for Somerset Squash & Racketball Association. A copy of the proposed constitution is attached click here. The constitution will be adopted unless there are any objections from those attending the AGM. The Chairman of the Association is sending to the captain of every team which played in the Somerset squash league during the 2010/2011 season a voting form on which they can either:

    ·         Agree the adoption of the constitution; or
    ·         Object to the adoption of the constitution and propose amendments to it.

    If you are not a team captain and would like to comment upon or suggest amendments to the proposed constitution please pass on your comments to a team captain. If you do not play in a team, you may forward any comments or suggestions to me. In adopting this approach the Management Committee hope to resolve any issues surrounding the proposed constitution ahead of the AGM so as to minimise the amount of time devoted to this subject at the AGM itself.   

    I hope to see you all at the meeting.


    Derek Truman