

    Small change to ranking - use SquashLevels to lookup returning players

    Just a quick note that I've changed the ranking code to look up a player's level from SquashLevels if he/she hasn't got a result on Somerset Squash from the last two months.

    We were having cases where players left Somerset for a few years, got a lot better and then came back but were still tied to the lower level that they left on. If they have more recent results on SquashLevels then we now use that.

    The place to check for this is on the explanation page. Just click on the percentage change link and look near the top where it will say something like:

    Pre-match level for Fred Bloggs looked up on SquashLevels to use more recent results.

    In general, this has caused everyone to go up a little bit on average! Some more than others...

    Any questions, please contact

