Login: | Autumn Leagues - Start Monday 10th SeptAll, Sorry for the delay - received a number of alterations at the last minute! Leagues for Autumn are now available - this consists of 3 Divisions (7 Teams - Div1, 7 Teams - Div 2 and 7 Teams - Div 3). This requires 14 weeks to create the fixtures - so they will start on 10th Sept and finish on 10th Dec. Please can you make sure that all fixtures are fulfilled by the 17th Dec - to give me time to create the spring fixtures. I have had to make some changes to the generated fixture - so can you let me know if there are any errors in the fixtures As agreed at the AGM on the 7th August. Somerset cup and plate will be played at the end of the league fixtures - Starting 29th April. Please let me know by 1st March 2019 if you are going to enter a team into the Somerset Cup. League fees for 2018/19 with be £70 per team payable by the 1st Nov - payment by BACs to the Somerset Squash account - payment details to be sent to team captains. Scoring - AGM agreed that the base scoring will be PAR15 (2 clear) but team captains can agree alternative scoring system - I would strongly suggest that where teams only have 1 court allocated to their match they should use PAR11 (2 clear) to reduce the total match time. This particularly applies to teams with junior members and teams that have to travel a considerable distance Food - as last year, please check with the home captain whether food is provided. Derek