Login: | Levels moving to SquashLevelsAs time has passed, it's become increasingly difficult to synchronise the levels on the league system with the levels on SquashLevels. That's mainly because SquashLevels receives results from many other systems and quite a few of our league players have a lot of matches on SquashLevels that they don't have from our leagues. The 'simple' way to solve this is to separate the levels out of the league system and only use the ones on SquashLevels. I'm taking a look at this now with the intention to link directly to SquashLevels for your player history and rankings but also to pull back some level information for pages that show team levels. Once you've been linked to SquashLevels it should be easy to link back to the league system so the whole thing really becomes one larger system - albeit with two very different styles. There's another advantage to linking across to SquashLevels and that is to give you more use of the new social features we've been adding. That's the player feed, the abilty to follow your friends, 'like' matches, communities, news posts from your club or county, win streaks, insights, not to mention accessing the SquashSkills testing pages. This is just a heads-up for changes that are coming so do look out for them when we're back playing again and the league system is back in active use. Feedback and any ideas welcome as ever. Cheers, Richard |